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Old 11-07-2005, 06:49 AM   #9 (permalink)
chriswin8's Avatar
Location: Buffalo NY
As I see it the driving is the Aquisition of Weals. And that there is reaonly only so much money to go around.
What I think is we need to chage the driving force so that it is the betterment of all mankind the world over. Once this is done You will truly have peice.

Here is my 10 year plan on how to do this. It will be very heard to do. But anything worth doing never is easy.

This is only my 2 cents. So if you see a flaw please speak up. I have been working on this a wile.

To start what would be the one thing that you would change to turn a Snowflake into a anvilanche.

IMHO I would make all the utilitys Free. This would then Alevate A great portion of the money sink. There by flooding the market with more money then it needs. That would trickel down to the manufacturing level. You nolonger have these great expenses of running plants, and houses. And as long as greed doesn't get to rampent. the cost of develeping and massproducing items should drop. (Year1)

Then you would have to convince the major commercial corperation to start gradualy reducing the prices on all items and services. (25% a year, over 4 years.) that will take you to year 5. Here you will make all items for Barter. (you can have this TV if you do ?????)But it has to be something that helps out someone else. And eliminate all money.

Offer free Skill Training in anything anyone wants (5 Years) lottery style for half the population. Or Via Aptitued testing. Starting at the same time as the free utilitys.
I for one love working with Wood for a hobby. I would make a great Carpenter. Make the unwanted jobs rotational. 1 year out of every 5 years is spent working for the government. Kinda set up like Jury duty. That way the needed work will still get done. This will give people a feeling of selfworth and of helping to maintain the way the world works.

And while the first group is being trained. the People that already know how to do Said jobs will be doing them for free. The already existing work force will be making and distributing homes and food for the people doing there skill training, and themselfs. Then at year 5 swap teh work forces. Those that Gradueate at in the first 5 years will then become the work force. Then the other half of the population gos to school. At the end of the 10 years. You will have both work forces going.

This ten year plan will suck for the adults. But thats just to keep adults busy as they make the real Change. The children. That how this plan will work. You are making it so the children are raised into an envirement that supports this way of life. So that it is a easy thing for them.

As you have been doing your work the children will be tought like they are now in k-12. only you will be adding the new way of life to there teachings get to the collage level they will be ready to find there place in the world.

But then this is only one mans opinnion. And i am sure there are flaws i have not thought of.
chriswin8 is offline  

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