Originally Posted by Cerebral
I think I've turned into a great person over the past 24 years. Everyone who meets me seems to say the same thing.
I'm normally a very intoverted person. Don't really share much about myself, don't date often, and definately don't have a problem keeping my personal life personal, but with her I feel like I can talk about anything, except maybe this. I want to tell her and sooner or later I will end up telling her, but I don't want it to seem like I was hiding it from her until she is too attached to break up. I've never had a problem lying or omiting details that I thought didn't need to be know and now all the sudden with her the thought of it makes me sick.
The problem is not whether you're a good/great person... It's a given that you've grown up and matured since you were age 14.
The problem is whether
she can handle that piece of information. Judging from what you've written and my gut feeling (I must admit that I generally do not trust my gut feeling on anything) it would seem to me that she would definitely
not handle it well no matter what angle you used to bring about the issue.
intellectually she might be appreciative of the fact that you want to open up to her and confide in her about something that is a part of your past, the truth is that she will not react well
Will being so open with her raise her interest level in you? Hell no.
Will she blow a fuse if you tell her about this? Most likely.
Will she use that piece of information as a potent weapon against you in the future when you have a major argument (all couples have at least one or two major arguments at one point or another)? Most definitely.
If you really love her, care about her, and don't want to lose what you have with her, then your best bet is to never under any circumstances bring up that detail about your past.
And if you're a Christian or believe in a higher power you better pray to God that she never signs up on TFP and reads this thread or else she might make you regret the day you were born.