actually these riots piss me off a tun. A muslim friend of mine and I were discussing them and I was saying how I think these riots have no merrit at all. The 2 boys got themselves killed. It is no ones fault but their own. If the police were not chasing them it is their fault for running into the power station. If the police were chasing them it is their fault for running (especially into a power station).
Typically riots occur after some sort of injustice. There was no injustice in this situation and it pisses me off beyond belief. I think people are rioting for reasons other than 1). 1). is just an excuses. Unfortunatly i don't know enough about the french culture or politics to figure out why this is. I think the french should just call in the military to restore peace. Come in forcefully with rubber bullets or something, arrest everyone who is rioting and throw them in jail for 20 years.