I agree satalites are more effective in space than on the ground. This was not the crux of my argument. I just do not think we need more of them, or need them to be cheaper, considering the damage the mass media is doing to us all as it is.
I MAY have been using hyperbole when i said i could employ EVERYONE in the us w/ the nasa budget. Mainly i was trying to point out that there are bigger issues going down in this country than whether or not we have a moonbase. It is of course all about peoples priorities.
I also said that "The egg-heads" could have gone into other fields of endeavor, not simply be cut loose to screw things up in other ways.
You are correct, that poverty is not the result of space exploration. (BTW, I never advocated ignoring space. More on that later.) It is the result of capitolism. or more accurately profit by controlled scarcity.
As for killing fewer peeps w/ new more expensive weapons, you are right,...and wrong. Mostly i was thinking about the NEW stuff, like directed energy weapons, or IPVs (This second one i have a REAL problem with.)
So, to sum up, i think we (Meaning all of humanity) needs to be A LITTLE more focused on improveing and protecting planet earth, rather than finding new places to screw up.