I was just thinking about new threat announced by the government the other day... and I heard mention on ABC radio that some people had been seen taking pictures of key public places.
I was reflecting on it all...
Next day... I was talking to an old school friend who is OS (Europe). Said I'd send him a pic of his old school. Well I went there and pulled out the digital camera, feeling a bit stupid about it.
Wait-a-sec I thinks to myself. I wonder if somebody thinks I'm planning to blow up the school.
I bet these people taking photos... they were taking photos of the opera house or something. The reality is that we've all been taking pics of prominant/notable public places for years. It used to be considered quite ok.
What's the deal now? If a Japanese man takes a pic of a station - is that still ok? If a man of middle-eastern/southern-european/indian (non-white) appearance does it, it is suspicious?
Difficult problem.