I do not believe that that such changes should come on a geopolitical level. Politicians cannot change cultures with a few words and/or actions. Values take decades to erode. Attempting to force change though political action often backfires by creating a resistance and thus solidifying the existing values. An axample of this is how our attempts to bring democracy to the midle east is synonymous with war and conquest.
The only way these changes seem to come is though example and the cultivation of existing movements within the culture.
I think that cultural changes should come by choice. While the (our) western view method of administering change is to force it upon a population in hope that they may recognize it's benefits. The obvious downside of forcing the process is resistance but even if we do get results I wonder if a population which is subjugated culturally can actually assimilate the new values or if it will revert to its past once preasure is lifted.