Originally Posted by FoolThemAll
A book that they're brought up to believe as word of God states that homosexuality is wrong. Doesn't sound all that irrational to me. Wrong, but not irrational.
I feel badly for people who are told this...but it again becomes a right to swing your fist stopping at my nose issue. If they in error, believe that God's message to them is not love, but rather condemnation...i'll do my best to tell them otherwise. If they begin preaching that destructive message to others...or using the power of the state to enforce it...
This is not to say they aren't authentically queer, or that somehow this makes them the worst person on earth. That's not it. But i can't regard this kind of self-hatred as a legitimate political position.
Yeah, I'm not talking about the risk-takers.
Again, you're speaking of a category i haven't really seen. Do they exist, i'm sure of it. But in American
political life, its rare to the point of non-existance as far as i know.
And again, I'd state that substantiated rational reasons can appear to exist. It's just that none of them stand up to intense scrutiny from what I've seen. "There's no possibility of procreation" can, on a couple superficial layers, be seen as substantiation.
My point is that i don't know how a human being decides that their own love makes them the devil. I don't know how you authentically integrate the hatred of society into your being, and start a witch hunt for people just like you. I don't know how you grow up as a person of color in a racist soceity and think that the "real" problem doesn't lie with systemic racism...that personal sucess has to come at the price of blaming those who don't suceed. How can a person live such a reality, and then come to such a non-sequiter conclusion?
Not UNexamined, insufficiently examined. We're not talking about idiots here.
If you want one of these "idiot" closet cases to remain an "idiot", the best thing to do is to treat him as nothing but a harmful enemy who could never be shown the errors in his thinking. Maybe some can't, but I'd rather not make such a careless blanket assumption.
The original quote covers "insufficient" as well. The responsbility to get things right comes with acceptance of political life. And i do hope to change minds. But most of them won't change without being forced out of the untenability of their self-hate. It can be an ugly process, to confront the way that your own personal demons became a starting point for persecuting others. But without such realization, i don't know where one would start to get better.
I don't see the two as analogous because I don't see any arguments even superficially sound that aren't racist.
That's my point. If you can't make these arguments without being a racists, why can a person make them and not be a homophobe?