Hmmm. I believe I may have been misunderstood on my stance towards spanking.
I have no problem with spanking. I think it can be a powerful "teaching" tool for very serious matters. But all the punishment in the world is not going to teach anything unless you provide a better alternative or (if the individual is old enough to understand) a clear and stern explanation of why a bad behavior is wrong.
It's like this- People that do not believe masturbation is wrong only do it in places they will not be caught, whether it's at home or a place they can "get away" with it. Others enjoy the thrill/danger of sex or masturbation where they might be seen, because punishment for the act is usually light but still involves being caught doing something "bad" or against norms.
And then there are things we DO believe are wrong. We just plain refuse to do certain behaviors because of our moral standards, which we pick up from the people around us. The trouble is that it's hard to change someone's mind about an attitude or belief. You can help them out, but they have to take the step to a different viewpoint. It's easier just to punish than reform. If you catch a Graf writer and then can take away his reason for writing he's much more likely to stop than if you just hurt, humiliated, or detained him.
"Asking a bomb squad if an old bomb is still "real" is not the best thing to do if you want to save it." - denim
Last edited by skier; 11-04-2005 at 05:53 PM..