I hate to admit it, and as a liberal (in general) I shouldn't, but:
I agree with the principle of public caning for small offences.
I would love to see a social activist and Grafitti artist ritually cut their own thumb off on broadcast TV to protest the mayors remarks. Imagine the sensation, imagine the coverage, imagine the political message sent to Hat-Rack worthy public officials to THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK.
I would be tempted to phone my local newsstation, say "My name is BigBen, I am a grafitti artist, and I want you to film me cutting off my thumb. The one condition I make is that you show it on the news, and distribute the tape to whomever requests it."
Yes, I would be called the CRAZY GUY WHO CUT HIS FUCKING THUMB OFF ON NATIONAL TELEVISION, but if spun properly, my agenda would receive incredible exposure, and my opponent would be humiliated.
My 2 cents, from a guy who has both thumbs and hates grafitti. What is worse than grafitti? Having elected public officials say assinine things like this.
Hey, if you are impressed with my memorizing pi to 10 digits, you should see the size of my penis.