Originally Posted by alansmithee
There's no problem with interracial dating, it's when these couples have children that problems come up. The best an interracial child can hope for is that they resemble one of their parent's races enough to easily "pass" themselves off as one. Otherwise, they're screwed (and in many cases will still be screwed, but just not as much).
What?! Unless you are actually a product of interracial dating, I suggest you not post such things. My parents were a biracial couple, and I love being what I am. I have never felt "screwed" as a result.. I feel that my blending makes me more beautiful and unique, not some kind of half-breed. My SO is also from a different background (Arab), and if we have kids, you can bet that they won't be "screwed," either.
Why the hell would anyone want to be homogenous, now that's MY question!!