Okay, I did it again today with the same batch of goop from last time. It was really too thick after all those reheatings, so I added a little bit of water before I microwaved, stirred it in, and then microwaved some more. I'm not sure what's going wrong with everybody else's, but my stuff is about the texture and color of honey. It just gets a little more watery or thick depending on the temperature.
Another possible problem, Abaya, is getting the goop all around the hairs. I know you're supposed to smooth it on in the direction of hair growth and then pull in the opposite direction, but in most parts down there, the hair grows every which way. I kind of just glop it onto the general area, making sure to get it all over each hair, and then smooth all the hairs back into one general direction before applying the cotton strip.
Also, it was so much better this time since I stopped trying to rinse it away with soap! Hah! Thanks, Sage. Now if I could just bear the pain of ripping the hair off my mound, things would be peachy. I still have a funny 'do, just a smaller one than last time.