What Getting Laid Can Do For You
To put it bluntly, I just got laid for the first time the other day (it wasn't exactly intercourse, but close enough). The story there is in another thread, and although it's a good one to tell, it's not really important here.
This thread is for all of the guys and gals out there who haven't had the pleasure of getting some (in whatever form is gratifying for you and your partner), but veterans, please post your remarks also. However, I'm sure pre-marital relations aren't for everybody, so use your own discretion. This is just my own account of how things are.
Flash back to tspikes at 17. I was the poster child Southern Baptist boy. Never drank, never smoked, never even kissed a girl. I masturbated a lot, but I would never tell anybody that. It was like that until my second semester of college. I started easing up on the morals; I began drinking on a weekly basis.
Enter last week. I was still in the same boat. Then Saturday night rolls around, and *poof* I'm a changed man. The act itself was amazing. Here's an idea of what it feels like (speaking from a guy's point of view): go to a strip club, and get a lap dance from the best dancer. Now imagine that pleasure multiplied by a thousand. My experience was like that, and there wasn't even insertion. However, I think that the after-effects are just as great.
It may have only been 5 days since then, but I feel totally different. I feel like I can tackle anything, like nobody can stop me, like I'm the king of the fuckin' world. I'm nicer to people. I'm having more fun with my friends, and talking to people I wouldn't normally talk to. I sleep better. I haven't masturbated since then (a marked improvement). I've studied more. I actually want to get up in the morning. I have more assertive conversations. I feel alive again. I feel like king of the fuckin' world.
So, as somebody who not too long ago believed that it would be worth it to save it all (and I'm still thinking maybe I'll stay a virgin in the coitus area, who knows), believe me, it's probably the best thing I've ever done.
"I'm telling you, we need to get rid of a few people or a million."