Originally Posted by Locobot
Um, why are you a Republican? Is it a local thing? I don't get it. #1-3 are directly at odds with the Republican platform, as is the second half of #4, #5 "maybe", #6 check out the downing street memos, #7 Bush flip-flopped on this one - hard, #8 that certainly wasn't the Republican rationalization for war and you know it, #9 "Axis of Evil" is not diplomacy, #10 okaaay true but why would you--you do know as such that you're now paying MORE of the tax burden than before.
I would guess it's for the same reason that I don't protest too much when someone says I'm a democrat - - it's not that I like the democrats or think they're worth a plug nickel, but they're a hell of a lot better than the republicans.
He probably doesn't like half of what the republicans say, especially the current breed of them, but he likes them better than the dems.