We've got a Brownie around the house. Great stuff.
This great site is made possible by the fact that the old film stock really lasts forever. I had my parents' 1950s 8mm film transfered to video at the local photo processing shot, and they told me to hang onto the original film because it has a life of 100+ years. With a videotape, you get maybe 20.
As for digital photography making us a generation of crappy photographers: not true. We were always crappy. We just weren't free to take an endless number of crappy pictures.
As a journalist, long ago, I took a brief course in action photography from a real pro. He said the pros take hundreds of shots from all angles with a variety of lenses and exposures. Then throw out all but two or three. The only problem people have with digital is that they don't know which 3 out of the 50 they've taken are any good, and they save them _all._