Originally Posted by macmanmike6100
How much are you spending that you only have $100 to invest? Granted, it's better than nothing, but I would, first, find ways to cut back on my lifestyle and invest a little bit more now to have a lot more later.
ING Direct (now that I'm a user) is good for savings (better return than most traditional banks). Then, once you've amassed 2-3 months of spending (to hang onto just in case it's needed), you should then be able to think about investing as opposed to saving.
To start, you want to amass some wealth from which you can live and invest.
From what i've read people invest certain amounts per week, opposed to huge lump sums. I'd assume that i'd be a lot easier to just pumping a hundred bucks a week from my paycheque than saving up a few grand. I don't want to invest most of my cheque everytime. I still need leisure money.
Big-Ben - I'd love to invest in stocks, but I don't even know where to begin and what to invest it. Also, don't you need a huge lump sum of money to start off with anyways?