Disclaimer: The OP utilizes the literary technique of hyperbole, or exaggeration used to make a point, in this case in an attempt at creating a comedic tone.
Casablanca did very little new or innovative, but what it did it did very, very well. The romance, the political intrigue, the dialog, the good guys and the bad guys, the Plus there's the sexual chemistry between Ingrid Bergman and . . . that guy, whatshisname.
On any given day I might list Schindler's List, The General, Intolerance, Double Indemnity or Gates of Heaven as the best ever.
Is Casablanca great art? Maybe not. But it certainly is one of the movies that is at the pinnacle of studio system movies and was on my mind when I decided to make silly thread to help take my mind off of other things.
I'm against ending blackness. I believe that everyone has a right to be black, it's a choice, and I support that.
~Steven Colbert