Originally Posted by HoneyPot
What is your opinion on innerracial ( don't know if thats one word or two) dating? Where I live (Montana), its sometimes frowned upon. Any advice/opinions would be awesome! 
The fact that people from Montana think this way does not surprise me a bit. I work with a lot of people from Montana and they look at me like I'm an ailen. Just becasue I don't look like them. Self centered bastards. They need to get their heads out of their asses and realize that different types of people also live in the world.
Originally Posted by nightstuff
But isn't there biological differences between caucasians and asian, for example? Facial features, skin tone, height...all biological.
Categorizing people isnt necessarily a bad thing, it's using this categorization to discriminate people in a negative way thats the problem.
That's Montana talking right there. And that's your problem too. You need to stop catagorizing people period. He's race A, she's race B. It's all bullshit. Date whomever you want.