Originally Posted by Redlemon
What other way can you fight back against a corporation? The only "stick" is money.
A better solution would be to find the asshole who put glue there and do something appropriate with him. I'm not so sure this is Home Depot's lookout, other than perhaps that it's a good idea to inspect the public bathrooms every so often. Even then, once an hour is probably plenty. Every 30 minutes would be wonderful.
This guy... I dunno. I can't imagine sitting on a public toilet w/o looking at it first. Given his medical condition,
could he have been more careful? Should he have had someone with him to help him out? If this was in a handicapped stall, does that make it worse? And to whom? I
do see this as at least largely his own fault, for not doing due dilligence and inspecting the toilet seat before plopping down on it. It's kinda like women who complain a guy left the seat up, so it's the guy's fault that the woman fell in. Right.
What do you think HD should have done? Cameras? Microphones? I could see a pull-chain, perhaps. We've got those in our handicapped stalls at work. They even got used once. But if someone in a regular stall had a problem, and heart attacks aren't uncommon when straining on the pot, they'd be fucked.
Just because HD has cash is not, to me, enough of a reason to sue them for something which is quite arguably beyond their control. Honestly, the guy should have been watching out for his own ass.