with some/considerable risk of being misunderstood...
i'm not that charitable to queers who support canidates who are obviously harmful to the interests of the community. Their personal gain comes at the price...one that we're not willing to pay. They want the gains that came at such a hard price, the right to be in public life without being completely destroyed...but they're willing to trade in anti-gay rhetoric to get a few votes. It's gross.
Now, i'm not in a position to judge if this mans politics are "anti-black" or not...
but i could understand the feeling of betrayal if his policies were seen to be so. oreo or (diet queer) is a nasty thing to say...collaborating with harmful policies for personal gain is a nasty thing to do.
For God so loved creation, that God sent God's only Son that whosoever believed should not perish, but have everlasting life.
-John 3:16