Mini-Speech for Pre-College kids
This is just a mini-speech, and I saw it elsewhere on the net. It went like this:
"Remember kid, a college education is very expensive.
A lot of people could never afford it working hard thier whole lives.
What are you doing with each day?
Can you look yourself in the eye and say today is worth someone else's hard earned money?"
I guess, when reading it, I thought about the money my wife and I are spending on our the (graduate and under)degrees we're both working on. We kinda moan about the costs, and I'm sure not excited about how big the student loans will look when we're done. But, then again, I realize we have the opportunity and privledge to get such an education, and it's amazing to me. We'll both have masters degrees come fall '08 (God willing), and that's pretty swell.
I think every time I get to feeling lazy aobut homework, I might remember this little thing I read.
It was inspiring to me. It also got me thinking.
Any other little tidbits you'd share with a kid going off to college, if you had one? (We don't have kids yet, much less college age ones.)
I can sum up the clash of religion in one sentence:
"My Invisible Friend is better than your Invisible Friend."