Did you acutually read my post? Cuz it seems to me you stopped at the second line.
See that part where it says "putting off the inevitable"? That means that until we learn to not waste resources, and not produce more garbage/pollution than we can store/re-use we have no business looking for more planets to screw up. I feel VERY STRONGLY we should FIX our problems rather than delaying the consequences of our actions.
A new space race would serve only to distract us as a civilization from addressing the real issues. Also, see above.
Besides, the first space race was only 'won' with lots of government pork and serious subsidies. (The gov gives money to private interests because they hope new weapons come out of it, and will be able to kill more people more cheaply. This is why they call it the 'military-industrial complex'. Is industrialized murder really in our best interests?)