Homer Simpson: Three Ribwiches, please. And instead of a shake, I'd like a blended Ribwich.
squeaky-voiced teen: I'm sorry, sir. The Ribwich was for a limited time only.
Homer Simpson: Not again! First you took away my Philly Fudgesteak. And then my Bacon Balls. Then my Whatchamachicken. You monster!
[Lenny and Carl help a sobbing Homer walk toward the Krusty Burger's exit. Then Homer comes running back to the register.]
Homer Simpson: I'd like a large fries please, in a collector's cup.
ribhead: Dude, if you still want the Ribwich, they're testing it in other markets. Check out the tour schedule.
Homer Simpson: Oh, this is amazing. I could follow the Ribwich from town to town.
ribhead: That's what we do. We're Ribheads.
Homer Simpson: Maybe I should hook up with you guys. After all, how long do any of us have to live?
ribhead: Well, if you like the Ribwich, not very.
[The ribhead holds up a Ribwich container, which has a warning from Krusty: 'Will cause early death!']