Originally Posted by Kostya
I must emphatically disagree with these assessments...
As an anthropologist, I just have to say Rock On with yo bad self, Kostya. You beat me to it.
I think most of you already know this, but my mom is Thai, dad was Icelandic, and they met as immigrants in America. My current boyfriend is Lebanese, so I guess I am keeping in line with the exogamous (marrying outside one's group) tradition in my family.

So I don't give a rat's ass about who you're dating, as long as you love each other well.
We are all human beings, all originally from Africa, Olduvai Gorge to be exact (if you go by the oldest humanoid skeletons). Everything that came after that... race, ethnicity, etc... is all something that humans constructed to separate "us" from "them." Yes, there are minor biological differences, but ... see what Kostya wrote. Those differences were mostly likely only in response to environmental selection pressures, which we no longer really deal with in this day and age.
Originally Posted by joemc91
I'd say speaking a different native language is a larger barrier than what someone looks like.
Well, that may be the case for some people (I've often heard people say they won't date someone who doesn't share the same native tongue), but for me, it don't mean a thing. I grew up as the only native English speaker in my entire family, so I have no problem dating someone whose English is his third (and VERY fluent) language. We speak five languages between the two of us... I love it.
Basically, my philosophy is that differences are what you make of 'em, not what other people make of 'em. You have to decide what's important to you, and stick to your guns. I like Cyn's sig: either you're an asshole, or you're not.