Originally posted by Liquor Dealer
Picking an age to signify the attainment of maturity is pure hogwash bullshit. I know of 16-17 yeras olds that are more mature than some 50 year olds.
Naturally, but if you don't want to leave the judgement of maturity up to the seller case by case (which in most cases is almost the same as no limit at all) the government must set a limit at some age ...
Originally posted by Liquor Dealer
I have no disagreement with someone providing alcohol to their own kid - I have a real problem with someone that buys their kid 60 gallons of beer and helps them haul it to the party. Everyone who has responded was totally intolerant of selling to a minor - but saw nothing wrong with a parent doing what these two did! I fail to see one iota of difference.
The way I see it they were supplying minors who were not their own kids, which should not be allowed. But to take a less extreme example. You give a case of beer to your 17-year old son, who then gives one to his buddy. Is this then "parents supplying alcohol to minors who are not their children"?