My heart and my sympathy go out to you Gilda, I've been on Grace's side of that situation several times with my siblings, I have two brothers that have had open brain surgery, and two sisters with broken pelvis' and it's never easy. I can't imagine the frustration you both must be feeling over being treated that way regardless of the situation and the laws (for the record I agree with analog, HIPAA another good idea gone horribly wrong).
I want to thank you for sharing with us, your posts have always been provocative and insightful, as well as compassionate and understanding. I hope that these issues don't continue to dwell on your mind so that you can get back some of that happiness that you've been missing.
I wish you the best in your recovery and I'm sure that I speak for most of us when I say that we're all here to support you if you need it. Personally I'm very glad that someone was watching over you that night and I'll be looking forward to the day that you've fully recovered. Now PM the address so I can send chocolates, flowers, and a get well card