Picking an age to signify the attainment of maturity is pure hogwash bullshit. I know of 16-17 yeras olds that are more mature than some 50 year olds. I am not arguing the need for laws - what really chaps my ass is that the state tells me what time I can open - what time I have to close - what I can and cannot sell - where I have to sell it - who I have to buy it from - what I have to pay for it (+TAX of course) - and you can buy crack or meth from half the nerds in town. If I screw up and sell to a minor or for almost any other violation - I lose my license, am fined, and do not get to pass go and collect $200. They get busted for meth they get slapped on the hand - have to wash a firetruck or two, and they are back in business. This almost seems like someones priorities are a little skewed to one side. I have no disagreement with someone providing alcohol to their own kid - I have a real problem with someone that buys their kid 60 gallons of beer and helps them haul it to the party. Everyone who has responded was totally intolerant of selling to a minor - but saw nothing wrong with a parent doing what these two did! I fail to see one iota of difference.
Life isn't always a bowl of cherries, sometimes it's more like a jar of Jalapenos --- what you say or do today might burn your ass tomorrow!!!