Originally Posted by Lead543
That's classical conditioning.
And its college residence, sooo nothing's divided up except having to share most of the house.
And on another note, she apologized today, so I thanked her for doing her dishes. And hopefully they'll never sit for 2 weeks again
Sounds like you have the situation under control then. Just make unhappy noises if she messes up again, and dont forget the praise (dont overdo it of course) to make her realize you've noticed. You'll be the mommy and daddy she should have had growing up *wink*
Speaking of conditioning, a bunch of us got together and decided to condition our teacher in various ways. For example, we had him using only the left side of the whiteboard at one point of time, then after a week or so switched to the right side. How we did it was pay less/more attention depending on which side he was on *snicker*. Good times.