I've already PM-ed Supple about this, but just wanted to say that I tried the recipe at home as well... not much success, I'm afraid. I think I had the same problem as Sage... the whole mix was very gooey, not very sticky (not enough to yank out hairs, at least), and in general the cloth strips didn't "tear" out much more than 1-5 hairs at a time. Ktspksp and I both worked on different ways to apply the stuff, but to no avail.
Perhaps we did not boil it long enough? I wonder if it works better when it's cold, since then it is more stiff? I tried spreading it on VERY thinly, which seemed to pull off just a few more hairs, but not enough to make it worth it! Also, perhaps the length of hair makes a difference? Some of mine are quite short due to a recent trimming... dunno if that is good or bad. Also, I bought 100% cotton muslin cloth for the strips, but perhaps this is too fine to stick well.
Any more tips from ladies who have tried it here?
And think not you can direct the course of Love;
for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.
--Khalil Gibran