If you want to do 18 months in one stretch, it's going to take more than just slapping somebody, it's going to take a minor felony, or a string of misdemeanors. A criminal record (and yes a misdemeanor is a crime) is not going to help you when you pursue a good job, and will prevent you from being able to get many of those jobs. Get sentenced to anything over 365 days in jail and you won't be doing time in the city or county lock-up, you'll be doing it in the state pen. Prison is a whole different world than the local jail. 6'6" and 200 lbs means your tall and thin, very desirable to somebody in prison who is looking for a bitch. You'll be dealing with guys who are 6'6" 300 lbs of nothing but muscle, pissed off, horny, and going to try to take whatever they want from you, including your ass.
Then there are the mental things doing prison time does to you. The recidivism rate in the US prison system is extremely high. It's that way for a reason. the lifestyle you MUST live to survive in prison simply doesn't work on the outside. The problem is, that lifestyle, the way you handle different things becomes a part of you. It's very difficult to undo what prison does to you.