when it comes back abnormal it could be something or nothing. if its something.. it's most likely HPV. Then she will have to get a colposcopy. They stick metal things (i cant explain it) in you and take a biopsy of your cervix. It hurts a bit. Like a cramping feeling. Only for that day. Then she will get medicine and have discharge for a week or so. A little uncomfortable. Then it can come back serious or not serious. If its not serious she will have HPV for 2-3 years and it will go away on its own. If it is serious, then she will get a few more tests. She will then have a higher risk for cervical cancer...she may not be able to have children. It only puts her at a higher risk...she wont neccassarily get cervical cancer. There is NO cure for this. This canot be detected in men what so ever. They say men are usually the carriers but you never know. It truly is not a big deal!!! I swear. It is the most common STD. It is among our generation the most. They are now testing younger girls for it b/c i is so common...
Nothing to worry about. Hope it helps...