Uptown. You got some great advice from these lovely ladies. I think everyone has had the blues and felt down at times. I know that I went through a major depression and felt the same way you do about my SO. I didn't want my depression to affect jj and I tried to avoid him. However, he was my biggest support and one of the reasons I made it through the rough times. He pushed me to get the exercise I needed and refused to let me wallow in my sorrow. Sometimes you need someone around to give you a swift kick in the ass, although you may be very angry at the time, it is the main reason I got out of it.
It is a tough road and you have to find the answers within yourself. A really good, although cheesy as hell book, is Peace is in Every Step. I laughed at the pages and thought it was really stupid, but it helped me a lot. Also therapy is great because you can vent and cry to someone who is not involved in your life. An outside opinion is a great way to put things in perspective.
Good luck and know that better times are just around the corner. With some dedication and hard-work, you can build self-confidence and learn to really like yourself. It just takes time.
Whatever did happen to your soul?
I heard you sold it
Choose Heaven for the weather and Hell for the company