Originally Posted by phyzix525
... I just think as long as I am in a position where I can be of help and not just doing something like, a cook. not that there is anything wrong with that. you know.
I think that being a cook is the most important job in the military.
I have had good food and bad, all different flavours. When a cook loves their job and knows how important they are, they take pride in their work and deliver delicious, nutritious, plentiful food. When they are forced to do it and would rather be doing job X, they slack off, burn the eggs and hate their life. The difference is profound.
I know what you are saying. You are not insulting cooks, but do not view their job as exciting and glamorous. You hold no interest in being a cook. That is fine. I understand, but your choice in words leaves much to be desired. "Where I can be of help" includes every person in the military, in all branches and at all levels. Noone is more important than another.