Originally Posted by djflish
I mean, the landscapes, rooms and characters/enemies all look the same, the first pic could be a Doom3 screenshot.
Originally Posted by Lasereth
The graphics are still amazing, even if it is based on a somewhat old engine. -Lasereth
Seems to be alot of that going on now: getting extra mileage out of good engines. Still, I dunno. I've played through part of the single player campaign and am, basically, a little bored. It just doesn't feel fresh, it feels more like a D3 expansion pack or something. It's nice to see others really liking it. That's cool. But to me, I really would have liked to see the engine get pushed to the extreme a bit more. Oh well.
Edit: Been playing a bit further into the game and am enjoying it more than my bland first review.
Late Edit: Finished the game last night. Neat! The later portions of the game are very tactical and actually required me to think! Imagine that! I had to work my way into and through certain rooms and maps due to the foes there. That was far more enjoyable than the later, pentagram-ridden portions of Doom 3.