Question for ya. When you get the grainy picture, is it on the computer, or in the printout afterwards? If the picture you're scanning comes out grainy when you view it on the computer, chances are you're saving it wrong.
First, you want to do what you did: raise the DPI all the way. Then make sure you have it on full color settings (not sure what settings are available with HP scanners, but there's usually some sort of option). Then, and this is the most important part, make sure it saves it in the correct format. It sounds like it's saving it as either a jpeg or a low quality bitmap (or possibly a gif). You want it to save it as the highest possible quality BMP you can set it at. That will give you the most accurate picture of what it really is. Sometimes scanners scan things as TIFF, as well, but I've had bad experiences with TIFF sometimes, so BMP is really the way to go.
If this doesn't help, um... update your drivers? I don't know, I've got nothing else.