Originally Posted by optik_nerve
I know this one chick and she uses the most uncommon words ALL the time. I honestly think she does it to sound more intelligent than what she really is. Having said that, she actually has a book of words that she writes down and uses in conversation. It's like a...plethora dude. It's almost eclectic and I have to give her kudos for doing this...I mean, who can sit there and look up the word smitten and clamidya and use it in everyday conversation. It's inconcievable.
I hear what you're saying. Actually, this is arguably the most, like, annoying paragraph in this thread. I expect to see some dichotomous replies in response to it. I can't say I find any words particularly annoying. I have a friend that has a word of the day calendar and finds a way to put the word in our conversation, but it's more funny than aggravating.