Originally Posted by SERPENT7
The Airforce believes in an 8 hour work day, as opposed to the navy.
i hate to keep piling on... but I don't know anybody in the AF w/an 8 hour duty day. for the 3-4 AFB's I've spent time on... 9 1/2 was the bare minimun for airmen, NCOs and Officers often approach 11 or 12. i know i'm not the first in the thread to point this out... but its important for phyzix to understand that being in the military is very tough right now. all the old-timers in my squadron agree that the ops-tempo and deployment schedule make life much more stressful than it once was. we're running at near-max capacity with a much smaller force than 15 years ago. be prepared to work your ass off and take a lot of responsibility as soon as you arrive on station.
from my experience with other services and the anecdotal evidence given to me by friends in the navy, i'd say that USAF is a better way to go. however, if you're sold on the journalistic-type career fields... you're probably better off in the navy. most of those billets are being converted to civilian slots and PA/VI is often tough to get into as an enlisted man.
thanks for considering service. if you get into it for the right reasons, i'll think you'll be glad of your choice down the road. you'll likely meet a lot of fellow oklahomans in the service, it's almost bizarre how many have ties to our state. glad to see there might be another out there soon.