Originally Posted by crazybill5280
Here is where it gets interesting though. After I filed the Paypal complaint the buyer shipped me another phone. This one appears to be in working condition, a little dinged up but functional. If he had emailed me and sent me the phone in a timelier manner, like 27 days earlier than he did, this whole mess with negative feedback and Paypal disputes never would have occured. Now what do I do with this phone? I already purchased and activated another phone, and that phone can't be returned now, since it could only be returned within 14 days of purchase. So I can't use this phone the seller sent me. Do I return the phone to the seller, since I have my money back? Do I sell the phone on ebay to recoup my losses from the twenty bucks the seller got to keep and the eight bucks I spent shipping the original defective phone back?
Since they didn't respond to any of your e-mails, I'm assuming that they didn't request that you send the the phone back, so I'd say it's yours to do with as you wish. However, if you do try and resell it on ebay, you should be upfront about it's non-functionality, and in doing so it probably won't sell for enough for you to recoup your losses.
Also, in case you didn't know, you can respond to feedbacks. So I would respond to the negative feedback that he left you stating that paypal refunded your money, indicating that the negative feedback was unwarranted and false.