I too share this phobia. You can get some pretty good spider repellant at the hardware store, you could even get outside stuff and but it all around the base of your shed. I had to do that once at our cottage. We'd get huge hairy spiders and it would drive me crazy. Thinking there crawling on me etc.
I am not that afraid as I was before. Its just when they pop out at you. Like you walk into a room and turn a light on and the spider is hanging, head level 1 ft from your face. That freaks me the hell out. But if I see it on the wall from a distance away its okay. I try and catch them and let them go outside. If not I'm up for some good torture or let my cat see it. She loves to eat them.
As well the psychologist suggested above could help if your into something like that. I remember seeing on the discovery channel they had a woman who was so afraid of spiders she could not even look at a picture of one without getting upset. After I think 2 weeks she could hold a tarantula, so it can be done. Although I am not sure I want to hold one of those bastards!
Last edited by canuckguy; 10-28-2005 at 05:22 PM..