Thanks, everyone. My instincts were right, but I needed a little reassurance. I haven't been through enough ebay transactions to feel very comfortable dealing with mistakes yet. Here's what I replied:
I find it rather inappropriate that the shipping cost should change after the close of the auction, in addition to being notified of this five days after payment was remitted. You advertised that shipping to the US would be $13 and that is the maximum amount I expect to pay for it. If you cannot ship it to me at that cost, then I shall expect a full refund.
Supple Cow
Her response:
Supple Cow,
I apologize for the error. I did not try to misrepresent the shipping cost. The last five times I mailed boots they have been between $13.00-$14.00. I'm not sure if there has been a change in shipping fees with the post office or why it was more expensive today. I would have notified you earlier but I have been writing midterms all week and today was the first chance I had to go to the post office. If you refuse to pay the full shipping amount I will still ship them to you at my own expense on Monday. I apologize for any inconvenience I have caused you.
And finally:
I understand that it was a mistake, but the mistake was your own. I am still interested in owning the boots, and I intend to hold you to the ebay contract and pay only the price that was originally stated. If you send them out on Monday, I will gladly overlook the mistake and refrain from leaving negative feedback. I look forward to receiving the boots.
Supple Cow
I have a feeling I'll be getting my boots at the price I agreed to by the end of next week. As much as I hate having a stranger force me to address her like a simp, I'm just glad it didn't have to get ugly (knock on wood).