Originally Posted by sportswidow05
... I already use allergy eye drops, but that does not help the skin....
On the contrary, there is a possibility that the active ingredients in your allergy eye drops are what is causing the problem.
Allergy medications are often anti-histamine in nature, which cause an imbalance in the bodies moisture as a side-effect. They also make you drowsy, and to prevent this side-effect, may medications stack caffine on top of the anti-histamine to prevent the drowsiness. Guess what? Caffine is also a diuretic, causing you to dehydrate.
Yes, it is entirely possible that the medication you are taking in your eyedrops cause localized dryness.
Again, with all posts on Tilted Health and Fitness, please consult a professional, but in this case, instead of going to see a doctor, I would recommend seeing a pharmacist. Unless the allergy eyedrops are prescription, in that case, go to the doctor that prescribed them...
Health and Happiness to you, Widow.