Let me get this straight, most of you are suggesting that Q4 resembles D3? The storyline is nearly the same thing... lone soldier amongst evils (whether from hell or a cybernetic anomoly) that want to kill you. I believe D3 merged into the Quake storyline. If you remember correctly Doom series had a lot of lighting and monsters were strewn here and there with no real use. While quake was always a bit darker and the monsters were doing something (guarding a control panel, guarding ammo, popping through a proximity triggered door behind you (or yes, just standing there looking at a wall).
If anything you should be upset at how successful D3 was because of how it was built. I believe Q4 is generic to the newly themed D3 series. All in all, I.d. miss-stepped when they crossed the themes between those two games.
Of course this is all before I even tried the game, which I hope to very soon.
Time for me to find the sys req's. *crosses fingers*
Bah, can't handle it. I'm sad now.
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Last edited by Fate; 10-28-2005 at 07:41 AM..