I work with children all the time. I've heard and seen some terrible stories. One family of 3 children that I cared for in a day care were physically abused. Social Services allowed the kids to go back home every weekend. I cannot understand why considering what the mother had put the kids through and did to them every weekend. When they came back to day care on Mon mornings they had the most behavior problems. The middle child a girl would hide in her cubby all morning. If you even spoke to her she would burst into tears. All these things were reported to social services which was in the same building as we were. The worst part of it all was that the little boy who was only 4 had no lower legs or feet. His mother had gotten angry with him and shoved him down on the ground then mowed over his legs with a mower. His thighs were covered with scars. I cannot comprehend allowing her to have those children in her custody every again. How can you put your child through that and have any love left for him in your heart. I've encountered some of the biggest idiot parents.
Another idiot was the father that I called when his son was harrassing girls in my 4th, 5th and 6th grade class. The boy had grabbed one girls chest and crawled under skirts numerous times. The principal had spoken to him and yet he continued. When I told his father about his good ol dad said it was probably the girls making the stuff up (even though I had witnessed it) and that his son would never do anything like that. He said I was overreacting and that It shouldn't be that big of a deal. Nothing like accountability here. It was so frustrating. I simply had to exclude the boy from some activities because the situation got to be so bad and no one would do anything to help me protect the girls and yet the girls parents were upset even and complaining to the school and to me. The school turned a deaf ear to the situation and left me to handle it.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.