I've been singing most of my life but I'm looking at 4 years with guitar, 3 with electric bass, banjo, mandolin, piano, and analog synth, 2 years on drum programming, non-sample based noise music, djimbe, doumbek, pipe organ, and I've dabbled in harmonium, cello, sarood, balinese gamelan, and mbira. I record all my stuff myself except for my first album, but I've got 3 others out and I'm working on the 5th and 6th ones simultaneously right now. Should have number 5 out before I leave Stockholm in December. I usually have my stuff online for free download, doesn't cost me anything to make it and I'm damn flatterred when people like it, so it's win-win. I do have four songs up on this myspace.com thing, so if you feel like it, here's the link
http://www.myspace.com/andersolson/ I also make hip-hop beats for a friend of mine who's a rapper and play guitar and do backup vocals for a joke emo band called The Winter of Our Discontent
http://www.purevolume.com/thewinterofourdiscontentnc that's just plain awful.
Side note, current gear vs. dream gear. Go.