Carn, I wonder where in the game you currently are.
Because I have to say, I'm having a blast with this game. I was thrown for a bit of a shock when I first saw the game, because it looks like Doom 3 and I didn't like Doom 3. Well, it looks like Doom 3 but it sure doesn't play like it. And it keeps getting better as you play on.
Some truly frightening levels too...I will mention a faulty bridge and leave it at that. Scared the shit out of me, I actually yelled out loud hehe. That particular level was right up there in intensity with the tunnel/underground zombie levels in HalfLife2.
The Q4 weapon set is simply awesome. The Lightining Gun is badass. The BFG gun (called something else in Q4) is the best mass damage-type gun since the Doom2 BFG imo. Maybe even better. The gun model definitely looks better. One of the best Grenade Launchers in the series, I'm using it constantly. The Railgun tears shit to pieces. Another cool touch is how the Tech Soldiers can upgrade your weapons, giving them added (and useful) capabilities.
Best of all is the gameplay. Tough, old school, well-designed firefights in this game. Room to hide, room to snipe, room to backtrack, multiple ways to attack...and when something does rush into the room its not 2 feet away right on top of you. You have time to plan, and time to switch weapons if necessary.
My intitial impressions of the game have done a complete 180.
This game is a lot of fun.