Originally Posted by SERPENT7
We as americans are very sexually repressed. Atleast she is not getting shunned. Remember GReg Luganus? (Or however you spell it.) He won a gold medal for diving, and as soon as he told people he was gay, his postage stamp got cancelled, and his wheaties box promo disappeared. So, maybe we have loosened up.
I think the situation with Louganis had more to do with the fact that he had AIDS. And didn't tell the doctor who stitched him up to put on a pair of gloves.
Then there was his history--By the time he was 12, he was doing speed, selling marijuana at school and even attempting suicide. In 1976, after feeling that he failed in Montreal, he turned to alcohol and cigarettes.
Toss his tales of gay spousal abuse into the mix, and he's not exactly a front-runner to be the idol of America's youth.