Thanks host. Those quotes where surprisingly interesting! =)
In effect, there is lots of evidence that Victoria is being dishonest -- she has the means, the motivation, the oppurtunity, and there is circumstantial evidence of prevication in the few verifiable facts she makes in her opinion piece. This means that any statement she makes should be assumed to be an lie or a prevication, unless there is hard independant external evidence for it.
I have no reason to believe Plame wasn't a covert agent, because Toensing provides zero credible evidence that she hasn't been an undercover agent recently, and Toensing provides no credible legal advice on the interpritation of the law in question. All she provides is her own opinion, which has no value given her prevication, bias and adgenda.
Meanwhile, on the other hand, we have a Judge who has decided that this potential crime is important enought to violate journalistic privledge. The Judge in question has, in addition, access to classified information we are not privy to.
The Judge in question could be wrong. But there is no credible evidence that the Judge is wrong.
Last edited by JHVH : 10-29-4004 BC at 09:00 PM. Reason: Time for a rest.