Last year, I was getting offers hand-over-fist for cards with 0% intro rates. I took one from Citibank, which was to expire this month. I paid it off last month.
So they made me a new offer for
another of the same card, same basic offer. Fine. It just so happened that I had a new $3000 balance on my regular card from an overseas trip, so I transferred that over to the new card.
As far as I can tell, they're betting I'll do one or both of (1) fail to make payments on time, causing them to jack up their rate, and/or (2) use the card, especially use-the-card-after-I'm-done-paying-it-off. I never used the first card other than to pay off the initial transferred-in balance. Now I'm doing the same on the new card. Got it down $500 the first month.
Note that I'm betting on (3): not only will I not use their card, but that if (1) happens, I immediately transfer the remaining balance back to the original card. They can't win this one.
Am I missing something, or are they just ignoring the fact that I won't use their cards? They keep talking about some kind of Reward Points, which I don't care about since I won't use the cards.