Originally Posted by stevo
You're pretty naive if you think because someone is a "reporter" they don't have an agenda and everything they print is fact, checked twice over. Reports from reporters are littered with biases, omissions, and sometimes straight-out lies. At least with an opinion piece its labeled as such. Not so for the front page of the NYT.
And no where did I say that I think reporters don't show bias. Look at Fox News.
As for the straight out lies, I'm sure there are bad reporters just like there are bad cops. They shouldn't exist.
I have worked as a reporter and manage reporters and know bunches of them. Most of them bend over backwards to be balanced.
But that piece had no FACTS, just OPINIONS and was posted as a refute to facts.
All of which leads the thread awry and doens't address the topic the leak came from Cheney's staff. It was about a formerly covert agent. Her husband saidgain today that it put her in jeopardy. Rove lied and said he heard the news from the press.