well its amazing how u can mould the 'WOT' to mean whatever people want it to mean. initially it was to chase a few tribesman around a desert. then it was to overthrow a government from power. any war the americans will fight for the next 50 years can be moulded to fit the 'WOT'.
i never bought into this war on islam crap, but im really starting to have my doubts. is this really a WOT or is the aim a war on islam?
if iran stupidly did decide to exterminate the jews off the map, my bet is that the US would be involved. does this automatically make it a WOT? and if so, would the prisoners of war be given protection under the geneva conventions, or would they lurk in shady jails in obscure islands?
An injustice anywhere, is an injustice everywhere
I always sign my facebook comments with ()()===========(}. Does that make me gay?
- Filthy