I think this question is just the "If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound" problem rehashed. I would say that, even if there was no one to ehar the tree, the tree damn well did make a sound. To say otherwise is to suggest that the tree making a sound is somehow dependant on that sound being percieved by someone, which seems to cause some problems with physical reality - if conscious beings cease to exist will all things cease to exist because they are no longer being observed? Assuming an evolutionary standpoint, did nothing therefore exist before there was consciousness? I'm tempted to say no - the universe will likely be here much longer than we will (I'm not trying to open up a different can of worms here), and it seems counterintuitive to say that it will cease to exist as conscious perception of it does, or that it's existance is somehow dependant on conscious perception.